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Eduard Iniesta concerts already held

Eduard Iniesta concert in Barcelona

  • Nota 79 Barcelona, Spain
  • Thursday 24 October 2019
  • Time 21:30

Eduard Iniesta concert in Barcelona

  • Jamboree Barcelona, Spain
  • Wednesday 12 June 2019
  • Time 20:00

Eduard Iniesta concert in Barcelona

  • Jamboree Barcelona, Spain
  • Tuesday 13 October 2015
  • Time 20:00
Eduard Iniesta

Eduard Iniesta


Name: Eduard Iniesta i Torres (2 march 1968, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Eduard Iniesta play: * Baglamas * Bandurria * Bouzouki * Cümbus * Guitarra portuguesa Coimbra y Lisboa * Laghouto * Laud * Mandocello * Mandola * Mandolina * Mandolina italiana * Saz * Sitar * Tanbur * Tembouras * Tzouras Formation & studies 1993: Study right (!!!) in the University of Barcelona, approving the licentiate. 1995: Máster in audiovisual Work and Intellectual Property. Audiovisual Communication. Musical studies in the school “Virtèlia” of Barcelona Musical studies of solfeo, guitar and harmony in the Conservatory of the Liceu of Barcelona. Modern Harmony in the Workshop of Músics of Barcelona Guitar - jazz with J.A.CUBERO and V.SOLSONA Composition and Orquestation with Lluís Vergés. Music-related Experiences First musical training in the Ballets Serenader of Catalonia to the 12-year-old age. First interpretations with guitar and bandurria. Address of the musical group pop (Quarts of Quatre) with abundant performances in public and by TV, to the 17-year-old age. First arrangements. Director of the group of Havanans (Els Llobarros) making a total of 160 performances in 3 years. Provide arrangements and compositions and a new conception of the world of the Havanan. (1994-1996) Director of the group “Of Soca-rel” (1991-2001) within style of the popular and traditional music, making a total of 473 performances by far parts of world. Also it evokes compositions and arrangements. Collaborate with the group “Els Ocults” and the singer “Lluis Llach” (1996) Collaborate with the group “Els impresentables” (1996) Musical director of the work “The retaule of the Flute-player” directed by Joan you Live & J.LL.BOZZO (125 performances to the Count Teatre of Barcelona - 6 mesos -) and tour. Arranger of some musical piece by the production of Dagoll Dagom (Oh Espanya). Recording of numerous spots advertising (Cervesa San Michael, Olis Carbonell, Danone, Old the step, Issues S.S., chanson d’eau, chanson d’air, fortune, festina, etc…) Premium in the third unpublished Havanans contest in Badalona (1995). Interpreter musician of bandoneón in the film directed by Joaquim Oristrell “Of what are laughed the women” near actresses as Verónica Forqué and other. Musical director of the association “Ballets of Catalunya”. Direct coblas several in concrete occasions (Sant Jordi, Principal of the Llobregat, etc…) Musical director of the group “It be able of the cant” providing compositions and musical arrangements. Musician in the work “Els Pirates” of Dagoll Dagom (200 actuacions in the Theatre Tívoli and Victória of Barcelona). Directing and arranger of the ” Ritual The Gospels Singers”, group of gospels and spiritual black, production of the company “Attached” Puts music on commercial videos for the companies Kneads, Tratesa and Segasa. Directing of the group of plectrum instruments “Ars tunae” where also provides various arrangements. Directing of the group “Sans and fot” of Barcelona during the years 1996-98 Directing of the group of Greek music “Vradiaki”. Arranger. Musical director of the spectacle “As sings a November city to November” of F. García Lorca. Composer, arrenger and interpreter. Musical director of the spectacle “D’animals i d’altres bèsties” with RoserRos Collaboration with the singing Carles Sabater. Composer and various texts co-author. Musical producer in the recording of the soundtrack of the film “Bridegrooms” traveling to Praga to record together with Joan you Live, the part orquestal. Mandolins and production. Directing, composer and arreglista of the musical group that accompanies to “Nevoa”, the singer of fados with who makes a great number of performances in direct and for television (program Àgora, The Column, Artèria 33, book presentation of Saramago titulado “The Caverna”) Music teacher to the age of 17 to 19 years in the music school of Sant Adri� . Teacher of the asignaturas ” Instrumental Group” i “Harmonía” in the ” Traditional Music Classroom” of the Generalitat of Catalunya you give of the year 1999. Execute musician with the group of guitar and two clarinets, “Arundo donax” Record under the address of the directing of cinema Francesc Bellmunt a chapter of “Happy house” interpreting a fado of his own creation “Or course gives lua” Musician interpret of the training of the cantautor Toni Subirana. Musical director of the group “Temps 9″ created in July of 2000. Collaboration with the Great opera Theatre of the Liceu of Barcelona with the operas Sly (season 1999-00), interpreting the mandolin in a repartimiento with Josep Careers between other; and Romeo and Julietta of Prokofiev (season 2000-01) under the scenic address of Nacho Duatto and the National Dance Company. Interpretation of the operetta “The Pains” with Placid Sunday and María Bayo. Share some that other stage with Silvia Eat (2001/02), as arranger and execute of great number of instruments. Creative, composer and lirycist, arranger and musical director of the revelation training “Clacksons”. Musician of the traditional music training with but protagonismo in the Païs Valenciano, “Ham of foc”. Form part of the group that accompanies to the Marine singer Rossell, touching between other, the tembourás, the Portuguese guitar, the lauto, the mandola and the bouzouki. Tour 2001/02 with the group valenciano “L’ham of foc” presenting theirlast work discográfico “Cançó d’home i dòna”. Create with the musician Gallant Santi, the training Iniesta - Gallant. Discographic productions: Disk recorded with the group “Of Soca-rel”, with the title Sota l’olivera, to l’Estudi 84. Composer, arreglistoy artistic producer. Disk recorded with the group “Els Llobarros” with the name of Havaneres arran of sea, to the Estudi 84 of Barcelona. Composer, arreglista, artistic producer and musical director. Disk recorded with the group “Of Socarel” with the title of It temps… in Estudi 84. Composer, arreglista, execute and musical producer. Disk recorded with the group It be able of the cant under the name of It be able of the cant . Composer, arreglista, execute and musical producer. Record together with the orchestra Ciutat of Barcelona (OCB), cin Placid Sunday i under the baton of Antoni Ros Marb� , the first version recorded of the operetta “The Pains” of Borecole. Form part of the section of double cord instruments. Disk recorded with the group “Els impresentables” and under the title of Sense paraules. Execute musician of mandola. Disk recorded with Els Ocults of Mallorca, bajoel name of Ses millors cançons execute bandurria Musician i mandola. Disk recorded with the training Xarop of Canya under the name of Sant of barri. Interpreter musician of mandola. Disk recorded with Casellas Sextet folk under the name of The neomodernista. Execute musician of mandola. Disk recorded with the group Casellas Sextet folk under the name of Erotic giust. Choirs. Disk recorded for the film Of what are laughed the women. Execute Músic of bandoneón. Disk recorded with Dagoll Dagom under the name of Els pirates. Musician accordion interpreter diatónico, mandola, mandolin and guitar. Disk recorded with the group Tercet Treset under the name of “Third tercet treset”. execute Musician of mandola. Disk recorded with Tradicionárius 1996, 1997, 1998 & 1999. Disk recorded the year 1999 under the title “Quatre of cors” consistent in quartetos and cord quintets interpreted by Pere Bardagí, Quim Alabau, etc… propelling the current of the suprarealism sintètic with works of his own composition. Disk recorded the year 1998 with “Ars Tunae” directing and producing the disk, formed of classic works for double cord instruments. Disk recorded the year 1999 with “Ars Tunae” consistent in movies music for double cord instruments, directing, producing the disk i arranging some works. Its title is “soundtrack”. Disk of fados recorded the year 1999 for Nevoa, where touches the Portuguese guitar and makes all the arrangements including some fado of own composition. Disk recorded the year 1998 for Edicions Cruïlla on texts d’Emili Teixidor and music of J.VIVES, the one which carries by title “You/them cançons of the formiga piga”. Execute of mandolines and other cord instruments with the Editorial “Edebé” in two productions discográficas for 2-year-old children . Guitar interpreter and mandola for a “movie” with music of Albert Guinovart. Execute for a television series of Carles you Marry with Llorenç Santamaría. Artistic producer of nearly all the recordings. Artistic production of the jazz disk of Cesc Miralta Quartet (Chris Higgins, Marc Miralta, Albert Sanz & Cesc Miralta ) Recently, it records a disk with the group “Temps 9″ sharing the artistic production. Recently, it has left to the sale a disk with the group “Clacksons” sharing the artistic production, and being of he all the compositions that integrate it. Recently it records a disk with the group “Bluears” to who you/them makes the production, arrangements and musical address. Recently, it has left to the sale the new production discográfica of the singer of fados “Névoa”, under and title of “Sea of fado”. Collaborate as musician invited in the last disk of the Marine singer Rossell “Cap to the cel”, happening thereinafter to form part of her usual band. His principal dedication, it is put in the confection of his first discographic work with the name of Eduard Iniesta. The title of the disk is “Crits of corb” and consists of the modern textures mixture and electronics with the double cord instruments that customarily touches, with a cord quartet and a recovered instrument called “Theremin”. All the compositions are his sharing the letters with Xavier Iniesta and the artistic production with Carles Mateu who is entrusted with the arrangements with the part electronics, and David Casamitjana. Recently it finishes of collaborating in the recording of a disk with “Titot” the singer of the group BRAMS, on texts of Guillem of Bergad� . Recently he´s encharged of the artistic production of the second disk with Cesc Miralta quartet. Read more on Last.fm. 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